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Home Automation


Hello! local control for your Blueair Air Purifier
·493 words·3 mins· loading
IoT Smart Home Node.js MQTT Air Quality Home Automation
A deep dive into creating a local API control system for Blueair Air Purifiers using Node.js and MQTT, replacing the Blue Air Cloud service, making everything better - well, mostly…


The ESPHome servo operated catdoor opener for OpenHAB
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3D Printing ESPHome OpenHAB Electronics Home Automation
A battery operated catdoor opener & closer. It uses ESPHome running on an ESP8266 microcontroller in a 3d printed enclosure, controlled from OpenHAB. Now the cat waits for it to open at 6AM :)
Legend of Zelda Triforce WLED wall art
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3D Printing WLED OpenHAB Electronics Home Automation
My second WLED project - this is a Legend Of Zelda Triforce logo that my daughter (a massive Zelda-fan) loves to bits!
Mountain Peaks WLED wall art
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3D Printing WLED OpenHAB Electronics Home Automation
My first WLED project and introduction to playing with RGB addressable LED strips. This is a ‘mountain peaks’ wall art design for my son’s bedroom. Doubles as a handy reading or night light!
Manage NextDNS Parental Control rules from OpenHAB home automation
·399 words·2 mins· loading
OpenHAB Home Automation
Javascript rules for OpenHAB home automation to allow control of Parental Control rules managed in NextDNS.